Woman Discovers Dog Abandoned by River with Massive Anchor Attached to Its Neck
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Woman Discovers Dog Abandoned by River with Massive Anchor Attached to Its Neck

An unexpected sight awaited a Lithuanian woman named Audra Petraškienė and her daughter, Andra, as they were on their regular drive. What they initially presumed to be a wet, shivering dog was a horrifying revelation.

A heartbreaking scene unfolded before their eyes. A poor, innocent dog had been cruelly subjected to an attempted drowning by someone who had hung a heavy, metallic box around its neck. This makeshift anchor was meant to pull the dog underwater in the nearby river.

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The dog’s terrified and shaken state was evident when the Petraškienės found him. He had cheated death, but the trauma of the ordeal was bound to leave its mark on the poor creature. Audra couldn’t help but fear for the psychological scars that might haunt him for life.

Without wasting time, the Petraškienės took the dog home, carefully removed the anchor, and rushed him to the vet. To their relief, the vet confirmed that the dog was physically healthy, albeit psychologically stressed, due to the traumatic experience.

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Furious at the heartless act, Audra traced the dog’s owner. She took to Facebook, sharing the dog’s story, and was eventually contacted by a man claiming to be the owner.

He narrated a shocking tale, alleging that his dog had been stolen and subjected to this brutal act. Although she found the owner, Audra ensured to involve the police to corroborate the man’s innocence in the crime.

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Unravelling the mystery, it was revealed that the dog and its owner were pawns in a vindictive plot. The real culprit was the owner’s neighbour, who had kidnapped the dog and attempted to drown him.

In a heartwarming turn of events, the dog is now back with his rightful owner, receiving all the love and care he deserves.

Watch the incredible rescue in the video below.

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