Today is both my birthday and the day I was abandoned
1 min read

Today is both my birthday and the day I was abandoned

Jen was born into a world of shadows. One of his eyes, a piercing blue, was sightless from birth. Yet, his spirit was as bright as the sun. He’d spent his short life in a loving home, his disability overlooked in the face of his infectious joy.

But that world ended abruptly. On his first birthday, he was found abandoned in a cardboard box, a tiny, vulnerable creature in a cold, indifferent world. The once familiar scents of home were replaced by the harsh, unfamiliar odors of the city. The soft blankets were exchanged for the cold, hard ground.

The world outside was a cacophony of sounds, a whirlwind of activity that overwhelmed his senses. He missed the comforting presence of his human family, the gentle pats, and the warm embrace. Now, he was alone, a small, blind puppy, facing a world he couldn’t fully comprehend.

His first birthday, a day that should have been filled with celebration, was marked by solitude and fear. The city lights, a million twinkling stars, offered no solace. He curled up in the cardboard box, his whimpers lost in the night’s symphony. In the darkness, he dreamt of his former home, of the soft bed and the loving hands. But when he woke, reality was a harsh slap in the face.

He was a survivor, a fighter, but the weight of abandonment was heavy on his small shoulders. Yet, in the depths of his puppy heart, there was a spark of resilience. He would find a way to survive, to thrive, even in the face of adversity. After all, he had faced the greatest challenge of his life on the day he was born, and he had overcome it.

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