The puppy, which was discovered inside a wet cardboard box, has finally received the bed of its dreams
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The puppy, which was discovered inside a wet cardboard box, has finally received the bed of its dreams

The story I’m about to tell you starts in a bizarre and incredible way. Almost like the beginning of a book, it all started when a group of rescuers from Fresno Animal Rescue were taking a walk in their neighborhood. They were canvassing the area to report any stray and needy animals to their organization. Suddenly, they saw a closed and motionless box on the sidewalk, right in front of their feet. One of them exclaimed, “Imagine if there was a stray puppy in here!” They opened the box out of curiosity, and it’s a good thing they did because inside was a lifeless, exhausted puppy in urgent need of care.

A puppy in a box They were, of course, speechless and immediately took him first to the shelter and then to a veterinary clinic. The puppy, as exhausted and weak as he was, didn’t even have the strength to stand on all four legs but, incredibly, wagged his tail at his guardian angels. It was as if he understood they were there to save his life. Once at the clinic, they named the little pup Alejandro and began to examine him.

A little puppy saved Unfortunately, he suffered from various ailments, was malnourished, and dehydrated, but what made him suffer uncontrollably were his health problems. His skin was full of scabs, and as the veterinarians said later, mange had started to cruelly eat away at him. They started giving him the therapies he needed as soon as possible. He gradually recovered, day by day regaining his lost strength, but his curiosity and desire to live were overwhelming. He wanted to live!

Now the little pup is finally happy and surrounded by people who adore him and want him to always be on cloud nine. To those who abandoned him, I can only say that they have no idea of the special creature they left behind.

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