The puppy at the brink had a strong and resilient spirit, but sadness continually tried to steal it away
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The puppy at the brink had a strong and resilient spirit, but sadness continually tried to steal it away

When Sabine first laid eyes on Toby, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. This poor dog had a belly so huge that it protruded from his body, making it difficult to move about. His eyes were filled with sadness, and it was clear that he was in desperate need of help.

Little did Sabine know, Toby’s journey to recovery would change not only his life but hers as well.


Upon taking Toby to the vet, Sabine was disheartened to hear that he had ascites, a condition where fluid leaks into the abdomen. His chances of survival were slim. To make matters worse, he soon contracted Parvo, which can be fatal for dogs. Despite the odds stacked against him, Toby proved to be a true fighter. It was incredible to witness his determination and strength as he battled the illness.


After six long weeks, Sabine made the decision to take Toby home. As he entered the household, her other dogs warmly welcomed him. They understood that he needed their love and support. It was at this point that Toby began to heal emotionally. He was finally able to let his guard down and start trusting those around him.

One of Sabine’s dogs, Daisy, took on the role of a loving mother to Toby. She guided him, cared for him, and helped him adjust to his new life. With Daisy’s support, Toby started to play and act like a regular puppy. It was heartwarming to see the light return to his eyes as he began to enjoy life once again.


As Toby continued to recover, his true personality started to shine through. He revealed himself to be a kind and goofy dog with an uncanny ability to make everyone around him laugh. With a pack of 13 dogs, Sabine initially intended to foster Toby until he was fully healed. However, it soon became apparent that he was already an irreplaceable member of the family. And Toby became a foster fail!

Toby continues to bring joy to his family every day. His kind and goofy nature never fails to put a smile on everyone’s faces. Toby’s journey reminds us that even in the darkest times, there is always hope and that love has the power to heal.

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