The Heartwarming Rescue and Transformation Story of an Abandoned Puppy That Will Touch Your Heart
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The Heartwarming Rescue and Transformation Story of an Abandoned Puppy That Will Touch Your Heart

Working in animal rescue can be tough, often resulting in seeing the worst of humanity. From abuse to neglect and abandonment, it can be challenging to see the good in people. However, some shelter workers continue to devote themselves to the cause, even when it feels like the world is against them.

Meet Suzette Hall of Irvine, California, who embodies the spirit of animal rescue. When she lost her beloved dog, she started Logan’s Legacy, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping animals in need.

Recently, Suzette received a call about an abandoned puppy that was left on a street notorious for being a “dumping ground” for unwanted animals. Though she couldn’t make it to the location because it was too far, she contacted her friend Rosario Ortiz, who lived nearby to assist the pup.


When Rosario arrived, she found the little dachshund mix curled up tightly in a ball with her leash tied to a fire hydrant. Although someone had left food and water, the puppy was too scared to eat or drink. Rosario scooped her up in a blanket and took her to Suzette’s veterinarian.

Unfortunately, the poor pup was severely dehydrated and exhausted from the ordeal. When she arrived at the vet, she began to vomit from fear and lack of food and water. Suzette and her team named her Cici, and they did everything in their power to help her recover.


After receiving much-needed fluids at Camino Pet Hospital, Cici made a remarkable recovery. Her adorable personality began to shine through, and she was finally able to show her true self.

“We have named her Cici,” Suzette updated on her Facebook page. “She is feeling so much better. She has been observed at my vet and she is doing great. Just a puppy, 8 months. She was throwing up from fear and not eating we believe. But this sweet baby girl will never feel fear again, And won’t ever be abandoned tied to a fire hydrant EVER again.”

Thanks to the care of Suzette and her team, Cici is now ready for foster care and will soon find her forever home with a family that will love and cherish her.


Animal rescue groups like Logan’s Legacy are shining examples of kindness and compassion in the world. These selfless individuals work tirelessly to help animals in need, often without recognition or compensation. So let’s share this heartwarming story to thank Suzette and everyone else who helped Cici find her way home.

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