It’s my birthday today, but I haven’t gotten any wishes so far
3 mins read

It’s my birthday today, but I haven’t gotten any wishes so far

Today is my birthday. As I wake up to the soft rays of morning light filtering through my window, a pang of melancholy grips my heart. It’s not the usual excitement one would expect on their special day. Instead, it’s a heavy feeling, a sense of impending loneliness that threatens to overshadow any joy that might come my way. Why? Because they say no one will congratulate me, all because of one simple reason: they say I’m ugly.

The words echo in my mind like a relentless drumbeat, taunting me, reminding me of my perceived inadequacies. But is it true? Will my appearance truly determine whether or not I deserve to be acknowledged on my birthday?

As I drag myself out of bed and begin to navigate through the routines of the day, the weight of those words hangs over me like a dark cloud. I catch glimpses of myself in the mirror – features that others might deem unattractive, flaws that seem magnified under the harsh scrutiny of society’s standards. But does that make me any less deserving of love, of kindness, of recognition on this day that is supposed to be mine?

Throughout the day, I find myself hesitating to share the news of my birthday with others. The fear of rejection, of being met with indifference or even disdain, gnaws at me from the inside out. It’s easier to retreat into the safety of solitude, to shield myself from the potential sting of rejection.

But then, a glimmer of hope breaks through the darkness. A friend, one whose loyalty and compassion I’ve come to rely on, sends me a simple message: “Happy Birthday!” It’s just two words, but they carry with them a warmth and sincerity that pierce through the veil of doubt surrounding me. In that moment, I realize that perhaps the words of others – the ones who would judge me based solely on my appearance – hold far less weight than I’ve allowed them to.

Throughout the day, more messages trickle in – from family, from acquaintances, even from strangers whose kindness knows no bounds. Each one serves as a gentle reminder that beauty is not defined by the symmetry of one’s features or the perfection of one’s appearance. True beauty lies in the depth of one’s soul, in the kindness of one’s heart, in the ability to love and be loved in return.

As the day draws to a close and I reflect on the events that have unfolded, I realize that I am surrounded by love – not in spite of my perceived flaws, but because of them. My so-called ugliness fades into the background as I bask in the glow of genuine affection from those who see me for who I truly am – flawed, imperfect, but deserving of love and celebration nonetheless.

So, is it true that no one will congratulate me because I’m ugly? No, it’s not true. Because today, on my birthday, I am reminded that true beauty transcends the superficial, and that love has a way of shining through even the darkest of days.

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