Heartwarming Discovery by Dog Walker: A Pit Bull Tied to a Tree with a Touching Note Describing Its Gentle Nature
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Heartwarming Discovery by Dog Walker: A Pit Bull Tied to a Tree with a Touching Note Describing Its Gentle Nature

While walking his clients’ dogs, Gouda and Lily, in Prospect Park, dog walker Eric Maus stumbled upon a heart-wrenching scene. Tied to a tree was a pit bull, with a note attached to its collar.

The note read: “Take me home. I’m a great dog. I’m 7 years old. Don’t let my size scare you. I’m sweet.”

Despite her size, the pit bull remained calm and gentle as Eric approached with his two canine companions. The abandoned dog was a loving and kind soul.

Eric Maus

Unsure of what to do, Eric turned to Facebook for advice on how to handle the situation. He posted in a local neighborhood group, and within minutes, suggestions and offers of help flooded in.

One kind-hearted individual even offered to pick up Eric, the dogs, and the pit bull – whom Eric had named Mamas – outside the park and drive them to Sean Casey Animal Rescue, a nearby shelter.

Eric Maus

As they made their way out of the park, Mamas struggled to keep up due to her size and a potential bladder infection. Once at the shelter, she received medical treatment and began to relax.

Mamas will need to go through a stray hold period before being put up for adoption, but soon she’ll be ready to find her forever home.

Despite her rough start, Mamas is thrilled to be out of the park and surrounded by people who love and care for her. Whoever ends up adopting this beautiful girl will be incredibly lucky!

Eric Maus

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