Dog with “Unicorn Horn” Rescued from High-Risk Shelter and Finds a Loving Family
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Dog with “Unicorn Horn” Rescued from High-Risk Shelter and Finds a Loving Family

Strawberry, a pit bull from Riverside Shelter in Jurupa Valley, California, was just hours away from being euthanized when the La Belle Foundation volunteers rescued her from the shelter.

Strawberry had a tough time in the past and was in a state of neglect when she first arrived at the shelter. Due to her physical differences, she was almost unadoptable, but Kristen Kuhlman saw something special in her.

Kristen knew that Strawberry was meant to be a part of her family, and she was right. Since being rescued, the pit bull has finally found her forever home.


Strawberry’s photo first appeared online on an Instagram page that shares images of dogs due to be put down. After seeing her photo pop up on social media several times, Kristen Kuhlman was drawn to Strawberry’s kind eyes and “unicorn horn” on her head. This drew her attention and made her think that a unique dog like Strawberry needed extra love.

When Strawberry arrived at the La Belle Foundation, she underwent several tests. It was then discovered that she had an infection, mange, and two lumps on her head. Strawberry also had rocks in her stomach and had to undergo surgery.


But the most significant hurdle was the “unicorn horn” on her head. A risky surgery was the only other option, which could have resulted in brain damage. So, the shelter found a family that was willing to accept her unique looks.

Kristen was thrilled to have Strawberry in her life to share with her twin sons. Since being adopted, Strawberry has adjusted to her new home and let her personality shine.

Kristen said that Strawberry “fits right into our family,” and they couldn’t be happier to have her in their lives.


Strawberry’s case is just one of the countless stories of animals that need extra love and kindness. We should always remember that adopting a pet can change its life forever!

Share this story to raise awareness, and support those that need it, and to thank all those involved in saving dogs like Strawberry from their unfortunate circumstances. Remember that giving a deserving animal a loving home is one of the most rewarding experiences.

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