Doberman Mother Nurses Tiny Abandoned Kitten Alongside Her Puppies – A Heartwarming Story
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Doberman Mother Nurses Tiny Abandoned Kitten Alongside Her Puppies – A Heartwarming Story

In the beloved Dr. Seuss children’s book, Horton Hatches the Egg, Mayzie – an idle bird who yearns for a vacation to Palm Beach – takes advantage of poor Horton by getting him to sit on her egg while she jets off carelessly.

Horton declared to Mayzie, “Sitting on your egg isn’t a logical thing for me to do. Your egg is so little and I’m quite large.” Yet, as the loyal elephant he was, Horton still sat down with a determination to fulfill his promise.

In the town of Geneseo, New York a remarkable event occurred. A large Doberman Pinscher named Ruby – who was feeding six of her puppies at that time- found an orphaned newborn kitten whose mother had disappeared and happily added it to her family. Her selfless act inspired residents with her unyielding compassion for all creatures in need!

Brittany Callan

Brittany Callan, the proud owner of Ruby, is a breeder of Dobermans on her family’s farm. The breed is popularly known for its guarding abilities; however, when she happened across this lost kitty, she immediately thought about Ruby and her litter which was only days old.

After a gentle introduction, Callan’s newly adopted kitten Ramblin’ Rose took up residence next to her siblings and Ruby was more than joyous to provide nourishment for the additional tiny mouth.

Callan related to Daily Paws that Ruby acclimated perfectly and seemed unfazed, noting “She was raised with smaller creatures so she instinctively knows how to be gentle and loving towards them. She is an exceptionally kind-hearted pup!”

Although it is uncommon, interspecies nursing does occur; a vivid example of this was seen in 2012 when two orphaned Siberian Tiger cubs were taken under the wing by Cleopatra, a Shar-Pei living at an animal sanctuary in Sochi – Russia’s renowned Black Sea resort.

Brittany Callan

After two years of living in County Offaly, Ireland, a determined farm cat decided to take three motherless ducklings under her wing and raise them as part of her litter.

No matter the unusual circumstances, Callan is convinced that Ruby possesses a truly remarkable maternal instinct. “Ruby was destined to be a mother,” he remarked to the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.

Ruby has been the loving mother to a variety of baby animals, including bunnies, guinea pigs, chickens, and ducks! She even goes so far as to clean them with her tongue as any doting parent would.

Since assuming her role as a mom, Ruby has been seen carrying Ramblin’ Rose around by the nape of its neck and separating it from the other puppies when they become too energetic for the tiny kitten. She is looking out for its safety!

With the attentive care of Ruby and supplemental nutrition from the kitten formula provided by Callan, Ramblin’s Rose has made extraordinary progress in only one week – increasing her weight from 4.37 ounces to 7.27 ounces!

Brittany Callan

In the climactic moment of Horton’s story, a wondrous hybrid is born – half-bird and half-elephant!

Although Ramblin’ Rose’s incredible growth rate is something to marvel at, it may be difficult for her to reach the same size as her adoptive mother or bark like a dog. However, when she reaches adulthood, she might just make someone an excellent guard cat!

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