Today is my birthday. Although I know I’m not attractive and I’m dealing with illness, I still deeply long for people to send me birthday wishes

**San’s Birthday Wish** Today is my birthday. My name is San, and I am a poor dog living on the streets. I know I’m ugly and sick, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing that someone, anyone, would send me birthday wishes. I’ve never had a home or a family. My fur is matted and […]

3 mins read

Sika acknowledged the reality of the situation and made an effort to push down the sadness he felt. He realized that he would need to make his way to the rescue station

Sika was a small dog with a coat that was a bit patchy and rough, his fur a mixture of browns and blacks that never quite lay flat. One of his eyes had gone blind when he was just a puppy, leaving it cloudy and unseeing, while the other still held the bright spark of […]

6 mins read

The dog wept when he saw his new foster mother. After spending four long years in the rescue center without anyone adopting him, the sight of someone finally taking him in overwhelmed him with emotion

In a small, bustling rescue center nestled on the outskirts of town, a dog named Mia had spent four long years waiting for a place to call home. Mia, a sweet and gentle mixed breed with expressive eyes, had seen many of her friends find their forever families while she remained behind, always hopeful but […]

4 mins read

Today is my 8th birthday! I’m really looking forward to feeling some love from everyone and hoping to receive lots of heartfelt congratulations

In the heart of our home, where the echoes of joy and the patter of paws intertwine, a momentous occasion is upon us—our beloved canine companion’s birthday! As the sun rises on this extraordinary day, it brings with it the celebration of a life that has filled our home with boundless happiness. Yet, amidst the […]

2 mins read

A dog stranded on a deserted street, wearing a sign that read “Help me!”, touched the hearts of everyone who saw it, bringing them to tears

The poor dog stranded in the deserted street with a Help me! sign, brought tears to everyone A heartbreaking discovery about the dog’s condition A neighbor’s chance discovery shattered the peace of a Vietnamese community. A lone puppy lay whimpering near a rock, her gaze fixed on the path’s end. A chilling text message, sent […]

3 mins read