A teacher discovers five puppies at school, and the writing on the box reveals all the details
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A teacher discovers five puppies at school, and the writing on the box reveals all the details

A school’s morning at San Marcos High School in Texas was turned upside down when five puppies dashed up to her as she arrived at work.

Understandably stunned by her discovery, she immediately sought help from her colleagues.

Abandoned in cardboard box

They quickly realised that the puppies had been abandoned outside the school in a cardboard box from which they had escaped to look for food and water.

Scrawled on the box was a note that said: “Dog shelter didn’t want them. We can’t take care of them. The original owner wanted to throw them. I’m sure you can do something. I’m sorry.”

The school staff worked together to round up the puppies and get them a drink to help them cool off while they waited for a local animal control officer to arrive. As this all took place over the summer when only a limited number of staff were in, it was fortunate for these pups to have people there to help. Who knows what could have happened to them otherwise?

In the meantime, one of the teachers quickly fell in love with one of the puppies and decided to adopt it. But there was hope for the remaining four, too. Kay Lynn Dodd, the school counsellor, had become attached to them.

Puppies in cardboard box

Foster home

When the animal control officer arrived, Kay learned that, given the late hour, no one might be at the shelter to take the puppies. Worried about what this uncertainty could mean for the puppies, she temporarily took them home.

Kay arranged for the puppies to receive their vaccinations and microchips. She named them Buttercup, Snickers, Bandit, and Rotund. In the month since their rescue, the puppies have been thriving under her care, growing healthier and more playful.

She hopes (as we all do) that these adorable pups will soon find their forever homes.

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