A stray dog was discovered on the streets with a disturbing message written on her fur
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A stray dog was discovered on the streets with a disturbing message written on her fur

While it’s understandable that circumstances may change, it’s never ok to abandon an animal to fend for itself. This poor puppy was very lucky to be found.

Residents in Ohio had begun to notice a puppy wandering around a park all on its own. There was something strange about the pup’s coat. It looked like it was dirty.

Dog abandoned with a ‘note’

As people got closer, they realised it wasn’t dirt on the dog’s coat. It was marker pen. And the words written on the dog were chilling. On her side, in large letters, was written: “Free”, and on her forehead: “Good home only”.

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The people in the park immediately understood that this poor animal had been abandoned and contacted a local animal rescue for help.

A new start

The dog, later named “Marvella”, was given a nice bath to remove all those horrible words from her body. Thankfully, she was healthy and not to mention beautiful, so she quickly found a home.

Her previous owners were found and charged with animal cruelty, abandonment, and failure to license. While rehoming an animal through a professional rescue is understandable in various circumstances, it’s never all right to let animals fend for themselves. Marvella was very lucky, but this story could’ve ended so much more tragically.

We trust that Marvella is doing fantastic in her new home today!

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