The 20-year-old dog still loves cuddling with her stuffed banana
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The 20-year-old dog still loves cuddling with her stuffed banana

Tessa, a terrier mix with a heart of gold, embodies unwavering loyalty. Her love for her family is a constant, even at the grand old age of 20. But there’s one more cherished companion in her life, one that transcends the boundaries of species: a humble toy banana.

20-year-old dog still adores snuggling with her stuffed banana

20-year-old dog still adores snuggling with her stuffed banana

More than just padding and cloth: The banana’s rise to prominence

Five years ago, when Tessa’s beloved toy met an unfortunate demise, Shanna Loren, Tessa’s human mom, sprung into action. Browsing a pet store, her eyes landed on a discarded banana-shaped plush toy. Though seemingly unremarkable – just “padding and yellow cloth” – Loren saw the potential for a new love story. “It was the size of a toy she loved,” Loren recalls, and her intuition proved spot-on. “She accepted the banana as soon as I handed it to her.”

This wasn’t just any toy; it was destiny. The banana quickly became Tessa’s prized possession.

More than just padding and cloth: The banana's rise to prominence

More than just padding and cloth: The banana’s rise to prominence

The banana’s royal treatment: A testament to undying devotion

Tessa’s love for the banana is a sight to behold. She proudly parades it around, demanding recognition from all who enter her domain. “She wants everyone to notice it before she puts it down,” Loren explains. And when nap time arrives, the banana receives the royal treatment. “When she sets it down, she puts it in the finest bed she can find,” Loren adds.

Age may bring wrinkles and perhaps even a touch of hearing loss, but Tessa’s dedication to her banana remains undimmed. “We told the people to tell her they spotted her bananas so she could lie down,” Loren shares. Even with failing ears, Tessa thrives on the acknowledgement. “It’s interesting how our friends are hollering at her now that she’s deaf, ‘I adore your bananas, Tessa!’” the devoted owner laughs.

The banana's royal treatment: A testament to undying devotion

The banana’s royal treatment: A testament to undying devotion

A love story for the ages: More than just a toy

Tessa’s unwavering devotion to the banana transcends the realm of mere toys. “She never turned it into a ‘toy,’” Loren emphasizes. The banana isn’t just something to play with; it’s a symbol of comfort, security, and a love that knows no bounds. “It’s her sole possession, and it’s her life,” Loren concludes.

A love story for the ages: More than just a toy

A love story for the ages: More than just a toy

Tessa’s story is a heartwarming reminder that love comes in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes, it comes in the form of a well-worn, bright yellow banana. It’s a testament to the enduring bond between humans and their furry companions, a bond that transcends age and circumstance.

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