A Dog Survives for Seven Months in the Desert, Miraculously Enduring Despite Being Entangled in Barbed Wire
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A Dog Survives for Seven Months in the Desert, Miraculously Enduring Despite Being Entangled in Barbed Wire

In the depths of the California desert, a brave Cocker Spaniel was battling the odds. For seven grueling months, he survived despite being entangled in barbed wire. His only lifeline was a kind stranger who fed him daily. However, the pain of his predicament made him wary of human contact.

Upon receiving an urgent message about the dog’s plight, the Hope For Paws team sprang into action. They embarked on the long journey from Los Angeles to the desert, armed with a strategy: set a trap and wait.

Image: Youtube

The team’s initial attempt to capture the dog was unsuccessful. After six hours of waiting, he was nowhere in sight. But then, the rescuer, Eldad, had a brainwave. He decided to use the universal language of food to lure the dog into the trap.

Eldad created a ‘clicking’ sound by striking two metal bowls together, signaling dinner time. The famished dog couldn’t resist the call of a meal and cautiously followed the food trail into the trap.

Image: Youtube

It was only after the dog was safely in the trap that Eldad noticed the barbed wire entangled in his coat. Despite several attempts, Eldad couldn’t detach it without risking injury to the dog or possible escape. So, he decided to wait until they were back in Los Angeles, where he could get help.

Once out of the desert and with assistance, Eldad managed to remove the wire. Next came the task of grooming the dog’s severely matted coat, which took a solid two hours. Freed from his painful shackles, the Cocker Spaniel seemed visibly relieved, wagging his tail incessantly.

Image: Youtube

With the support of Hope For Paws’ patrons, the dog, now named Falkor, underwent an eye operation. Now safe in a foster home, Falkor never has to worry about hunger or neglect again.

Eldad named the dog Falkor, inspired by the Luck Dragon from The Neverending Story, due to his striking eyes and ears. Just like his namesake, Falkor had survived a harrowing journey, emerging stronger on the other side.

Image: Youtube

To witness Falkor’s incredible rescue story, check out the video below.

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