Shelter Dog Facing Euthanasia Trembles with Fear and is Paralyzed by Terror
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Shelter Dog Facing Euthanasia Trembles with Fear and is Paralyzed by Terror

Every pet, whether a dog or a cat, deserves the chance to be loved and cherished. Unfortunately, many animals, both young and old, are put down in overcrowded shelters due to insufficient space.

Shelters are filled with millions of hopeful pets waiting for their forever homes. But many of these animals are living on borrowed time, known as ‘death row’. If these animals aren’t adopted by a specific date, they face euthanization.

Meet Mocha, a young Pitbull mix who found herself on death row. Her previous owner heartlessly abandoned her at Rowan County Animal Shelter in North Carolina. With a deadline set for November 1, Mocha faced a grim fate if no one stepped in to adopt her.

Facebook/Albina Albiie Chanel

Mocha’s fear was palpable. She trembled in her crate, too afraid even to walk. Her fear, combined with her flea-infested condition, made potential adopters overlook her. However, a kind-hearted volunteer named Albina Albiie Chanel couldn’t ignore Mocha’s plight.

Albina saw the suffering in Mocha’s eyes and felt compelled to help. “This sweet girl broke my heart,” she shared. “She shakes constantly and doesn’t even want to get up to walk. Some days I hate humans so much.” Albina was determined to give Mocha a shot at a better life.

In an attempt to save Mocha, Albina wrote a heartfelt letter from Mocha’s perspective and posted it on Facebook. The letter described Mocha’s fear, her hope for her puppies, and her longing for a better life.

Facebook/Albina Albiie Chanel

The letter read, “I shake so much in my kennel that people just walk past me. I am so skinny but I love to eat. I tried to be brave for my pictures today but I couldn’t even really get up. I tried though and I think the girls that were with me knew I was trying.”

Mocha’s letter ended with a plea for a second chance. “Please consider adopting me and giving me a chance at a good life,” it read. “But please know I may take a while to warm up because I’m just so scared. You can find me in kennel #5. Love, Mocha.”

Mocha’s heartbreaking story touched thousands of hearts online. The post went viral, and soon, a kind individual stepped forward to rescue Mocha. Albina updated the post to share the wonderful news that Mocha and her sister were safe.

Facebook/Albina Albiie Chanel

To celebrate Mocha’s rescue, Albina penned another letter, this time to Mocha. “Happy 2nd chance sweet girl. May you finally be loved and taken care of forever. Best wishes my darling. I love you and will remember you always,” she wrote.

Mocha’s story serves as a reminder of the countless pets waiting on death row for a loving home. By choosing to adopt or foster, we can help end the cycle of euthanasia in shelters. Remember, adopt, don’t shop, and always spay and neuter your pets.

Share the happy news with your friends and family.

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