A Neglected Dog, Chained to a Tree and Unable to Move, Finally Gets Rescued
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A Neglected Dog, Chained to a Tree and Unable to Move, Finally Gets Rescued

The saying goes that dogs are “man’s best friend,” which should inspire us to treat these loyal creatures with kindness and respect. Regrettably, this isn’t always the case.

In a heart-wrenching incident, the team from Dallas DogRRR came across a pitiful sight in southern Texas – a paralyzed dog cruelly chained to a tree. The poor creature could only drag herself along using her front legs, her hindquarters rendered useless. Her chain was fastened so tightly around the tree that she couldn’t even reach her food and water bowls. The rescuers immediately reached out to local authorities for assistance.


The mixed-breed dog appeared malnourished and desperately needed medical intervention. The rescuers hoped the negligent owner would hand the dog to their care without resistance.

Dallas DogRRR believes every dog deserves a chance at a better life. They were determined to rescue this helpless creature, pledging, “We are rescuing this DOG!”

With the aid of a local animal control officer, the volunteers managed to liberate the dog from her chains. They bestowed upon her the name Ottilia, meaning ‘fortunate heroine.’


Ottilia was gently transported to a veterinary clinic for an examination. The rescuers shared, “She is paralyzed and overheated… her temperature was 103.7 when she arrived at the vet. She’s undergone blood work, x-rays, and an exam. She is slightly anemic, her white blood cell count is low, and she’s severely dehydrated.”

The vets speculated that Ottilia’s paralysis might have originated from a tick bite, as ticks were found on her ears. However, tests for tick-borne diseases proved negative. Despite the negative test results, the vet mentioned a potential fungal infection or tick disease. Further tests and a bone biopsy were recommended.

Now, Ottilia is receiving treatment in Dallas, which will hopefully shed light on the cause of her paralysis and potentially help her regain mobility. Though her journey towards recovery will be challenging, she is surrounded by compassionate individuals dedicated to her care.


No longer will Ottilia suffer the indignity of being chained. She will finally experience the kindness and love of good-hearted humans.

The rescue team is meticulously documenting everything for submission to the police department. Supporters hope this evidence will lead to legal charges against the neglectful owners.

A heartrending video captured during the rescue is a stark reminder of Ottilia’s past suffering and the hope for a brighter future.

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