Abandoned and neglected, a ‘werewolf’ was left on the side of the road for months, waiting for someone to help
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Abandoned and neglected, a ‘werewolf’ was left on the side of the road for months, waiting for someone to help

For several months, a creature resembling a werewolf lingered by the side of the road near an orchard in Madera Ranchos, California. The animal was in a pitiful state, with patchy fur, a bony body, and a balding appearance. Its skin was rough and scaly, and its tail was sharp and broken. The remaining black fur stood up on its neck, making it appear menacing. As a result, people avoided the animal, fearing it was dangerous.

One day, a compassionate woman decided to intervene. She stopped to check on the animal and called for help. Megan Bowe, the founder of Bowe’s Adoptable Rescued Pups, responded to the call. She was heartbroken to see the animal’s condition. The creature could hardly stand, and it was evident that it was on the verge of giving up.


Upon closer inspection, Megan discovered that the “werewolf” was a sick and neglected German Shepherd mix. She named him King and promptly brought him to a veterinarian clinic. King suffered from numerous health issues, including scabies, a broken pelvis, and a broken tail. The treatment plan prioritized his most severe conditions.


King’s injuries suggested that he had been hit by a car months before. The accident likely caused his broken tail and pelvis. Because his pelvis was so damaged, King had trouble searching for food, leading to extreme malnourishment and dehydration. Despite his appearance, King was only a year old.


Megan provided King with a separate living space due to his contagious illnesses. She fed him increasing portions each day, and gradually, King’s condition improved. He underwent surgery to treat his broken pelvis and tail, and with time and care, he learned to walk again.

Megan is optimistic that King will soon be ready for adoption. She hopes that a loving family will welcome him into their home and give him the care he deserves. She is grateful for the woman who initially called for help and believes that the world becomes a better place when compassionate people take action.


The story of King, the German Shepherd mix, reminds us not to judge animals by their appearances. Despite his frightening exterior, King was a vulnerable creature in need of help. Thanks to the kindness of strangers, he now has a chance at a new life.

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