A family abandons a dog with a facial malformation, but a rescuer brings hope.
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A family abandons a dog with a facial malformation, but a rescuer brings hope.

Lucky, a dog born with a malformed face, had a difficult start in life. He was born in a puppy factory and never found someone who wanted to adopt him. Due to his appearance, Lucky was given away for free because nobody wanted him. His life consisted of being passed around from one owner to another, never having a chance to settle down. Over the years, Lucky had several owners, yet none of them met his needs.

Neglected and left to fend for himself, Lucky lived in a yard in Austin, Texas, tied to a tree, day and night. The family’s cats did not like him, so he was not allowed in the house to receive the love and affection of a family.

Instagram – beaux_tox_love

Fortunately, Lucky’s life took a turn for the better. A post on social media about his situation changed everything, and Jamie Hult, an animal rescuer, came across his photo and planned to meet him immediately.

Lucky’s appearance was a shock to Jamie, and he had several health issues like malnutrition and infestations, but she decided to take him in as a foster. Lucky had suffered so much in his life that he required extensive treatment, which cost Jamie around $8000. With the help of a veterinarian and Jamie’s loving care, Lucky made a full recovery and found his forever home.

Instagram – beaux_tox_love

Since then, Lucky has been thriving, and Jamie has even renamed him Beaux Tox because she wanted to celebrate his unique appearance. She transformed Beaux’s image with quirky ties and adorable clothes, making him cuter than ever.

Beaux Tox is now a charming, affectionate, and carefree dog who has become a loving companion to Jamie and Beaux’s little sister.

Moreover, he raised several adopted kittens and helped Jamie with fostering responsibilities. Even though he was once shunned by people due to his appearance, Beaux Tox proved that anyone, regardless of their appearance, is deserving of love and a chance at happiness.

Instagram – beaux_tox_love

Lucky’s story is a classic example of why we should not judge a book by its cover. Just because an animal looks different from the rest, it does not mean that they are any less deserving of love.

Do your part and share this heartwarming adoption story with your friends and family, it’s a beautiful journey of hope and perseverance, showcasing that even the unluckiest of dogs can beat the odds.

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